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Posts about

green building certification (5)

Sustainability in Higher Education: Parent Perspective

There are currently almost 20 million students enrolled in higher education in the US now, according to Statista. I’ve got one child at the University of Dayton and another high-school junior prospecting colleges and universities that excel in...

Your New Building Is an Investment for Generations

Cranes erecting buildings are a universally accepted sign of a healthy economy. While many will say that an already existing building is the most sustainable building, the emergence of new buildings on previously developed land or greenfields is an...

Sustainability in Higher Education: University Perspective

Sustainability is not a new topic for higher education. Yet, the level to which higher education has embraced sustainability in its operations is still a work-in-progress. The higher-ed, student-led movement called the Green Office Movement...

Sustainability in Higher Education: Student Perspective

As a student who is finishing up at a 4-year public university studying sustainability, I saw firsthand what was being done and what still needs to be done. As time goes on and we continue to fight the battle of climate change, more changes will...

Opening During COVID

As the year has rolled on, we have continued to develop our understanding of the impacts and threats of COVID-19. While we were once sheltering in place and wiping off every package from the grocery store with bleach wipes, we've largely adapted as...

What Is Sustainability Consulting?

This sums it up for the most part, but as expected, there are many initiatives that must be implemented to back up this crucial global objective. If you’ve ever wondered what sustainable development really means, or why it is so important to life on...

What Is Sustainable Architecture?

This sums up the concept of sustainable architecture quite well; though, there are many considerations that go into such building practices. As a whole, the most critical goal of green design is energy efficiency, which is achieved through myriad...

What Is A LEED Certified Building?

Over the last 20 years, the LEED program has grown from a single standard for new construction to a complete system of interrelated standards that focus on all aspects from LEED Certified building design and construction to maintenance and operation...

LEED Myth vs Fact

1) MYTH: LEED is a mandatory government regulation. 

FACT: LEED is a creation of the private sector and is strictly voluntary.LEED is not and will never become a tool for mandatory regulation. Private sector leaders established LEED in 2000 and it...