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What the COP Conferences Mean For You and Your Business

This past year marked a significant milestone in fighting global climate change. The 27th iteration of the Conference of Parties, also known as COP27, occurred in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, in November 2022.

The Journey of a Sustainable Building

As the world takes action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, many tactics are lumped under the term “sustainability”. Investors, developers, and communities are starting to demand more ethical and environmental practices from businesses....

What’s Your Carbon Standard?

It is widely accepted that to avoid total environmental collapse, human-generated greenhouse gas emissions need to reach Net Zero no later than 2050. Carbon accounting will play a crucial role in these decarbonization efforts across the corporate...

Fact Check: Does LEED Really Cost More?

Let us first state the obvious: Yes, it costs money to achieve LEED certification for a building - just like it costs money to achieve any other sustainable building certification. We often hear blanket statements such as it will cost just 10% more...

Our Path to Net Zero Carbon

Emerald’s core value, Eye of the Tiger, often affords us the opportunity to challenge third-party verifiers about the factual basis or efficacy of rules and regulations. As advocates for our clients, if a sustainable rating system has not yet...

Electrification 101--Part 2

The push to decarbonize buildings falls into the category of tactics toward the outcome of electrification. Since 39% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are generated from the built environment, decarbonizing buildings by reducing their reliance on...

The Importance of Municipal Climate Action Plans

Cities and developed land are a top source of greenhouse emissions, producing between 67 and 72 percent of carbon dioxide and methane emissions in 2020. As the global population migrates toward urban centers, cities will represent an increasing...

Using Calories to Understand The Planet's Health

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you may be familiar with the hack to offset eaten calories with burned calories (exercise) to justify that plate of nachos. Speaking from experience, I’ve noticed the most benefit comes from overall increase in...

Exploring Scope 3 Emissions

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, goes the well-known saying. Since your company’s emissions add up in your customer’s Scope 3 inventory, the lower your emissions, the more treasure you are to your customers. It really is an important area...