• +1 (216) 452-0909
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  • Environments

    Sustainably Enhanced 1775

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  • LEED

    Platinum 9

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Posts about

LEED (9)

What Is A LEED Certified Building?

Over the last 20 years, the LEED program has grown from a single standard for new construction to a complete system of interrelated standards that focus on all aspects from LEED Certified building design and construction to maintenance and operation...

LEED Myth vs Fact

1) MYTH: LEED is a mandatory government regulation. 

FACT: LEED is a creation of the private sector and is strictly voluntary.LEED is not and will never become a tool for mandatory regulation. Private sector leaders established LEED in 2000 and it...

Top 12 Green Building Certifications

Designing buildings with sustainability in mind is a must in today’s world. Not only do these buildings have higher performance, but they have lower operational costs and are more desirable for tenants.

The Levels of LEED Building Certification

As the global perspective on sustainability changes, more pressure is put on businesses to highlight how they are conscious of their impacts. Processes like ESG metric tracking, carbon reporting, and sustainability roadmaps continue to grow in...

What is LEED Certification?

When we notice a certification label of any kind we acknowledge that a third-party has verified a claim of meeting specific standards is true and correct. LEED Certification means that a building’s sustainable performance claims were verified by a...

What is LEED?

Works for every building type - from homes to universities at all phases of design and development. Projects pursuing certification earn credits points across key areas – The Site, Water and Energy Efficiency, Materials and Resources, and Indoor...