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Posts about

energy audit (4)

The Emissions DNA of Building Materials: Embodied Carbon

When considering Scope 1 and 2 emissions, most people think of the impact of energy use for heating, lighting, and transportation. But for those who serve businesses focused on emissions reductions, it is not enough to focus on a building design...

The Inflation Reduction Act Expands Tax Incentives For Sustainability

President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) into law in August of last year. While it is under the header of inflation, the act does much more than just target the rising inflation the U.S. has seen throughout 2022. In...

Fact Check: Does LEED Really Cost More?

Let us first state the obvious: Yes, it costs money to achieve LEED certification for a building - just like it costs money to achieve any other sustainable building certification. We often hear blanket statements such as it will cost just 10% more...

Retroactive PACE Unlocks Capital for Energy Efficient Improvements

Awareness of PACE – property assessed clean energy – and its utilization have grown significantly since its first adoption more than a decade ago. More than $1.5 billion was invested nationally in 2021 through this public-private partnership that...

Electrification 101

According to the Department of Energy, 39% of U.S. fossil-fuel emissions come from residential and commercial buildings. Most of this energy is used for space heating and cooling, heating water, and cooking. Emissions can be avoided through...

The Importance of Municipal Climate Action Plans

Cities and developed land are a top source of greenhouse emissions, producing between 67 and 72 percent of carbon dioxide and methane emissions in 2020. As the global population migrates toward urban centers, cities will represent an increasing...

Every Day is Earth Day at Emerald

Today, Earth Day is recognized as the largest secular observance in the world. Many mark it as a day of action to change behavior and focus on global, national, and local policy changes. At EarthDay.org, the 2022 theme is Invest in Our Planet. to...

Your New Building Is an Investment for Generations

Cranes erecting buildings are a universally accepted sign of a healthy economy. While many will say that an already existing building is the most sustainable building, the emergence of new buildings on previously developed land or greenfields is an...