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Posts about

energy modeling (2)

District Energy: An Innovative Solution for Commercial Heating and Cooling

In a building’s quest for reduced energy consumption and lower emissions profile, design teams are often tasked with evaluating system options for building owners. One such option is district energy. District energy systems utilize a central plant...

Energy Modeling as a Design Assist Tool

When it comes to designing new builds or renovations, energy planning is a real challenge — and is often deprioritized in the early design stages, with the focus being on design, engineering, and construction. However, if the planning of energy is...

Your New Building Is an Investment for Generations

Cranes erecting buildings are a universally accepted sign of a healthy economy. While many will say that an already existing building is the most sustainable building, the emergence of new buildings on previously developed land or greenfields is an...

What Is Energy Modeling? [VIDEO]

Imagine that you’ve hired architects and a set of engineers to design a new 6-story office building that will have an upscale restaurant on the first floor. As the owner, would it be important for you to know what your energy bill will look like...

How to Combat Rising Construction Costs

Early Energy Modeling

Look at the Cost /Influence Relationship Curve above. The answer is right there. In order to reduce construction cost, we need to put more analysis into the planning and design of a project, that includes the energy systems of...