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Posts about

sustainability consulting (13)

This Year's Emerald Gives Winner

Annually, the Emerald team selects one U.S. non-profit organization to support in seeking a sustainable building certification. This program is called Emerald Gives. Started in 2020 as a way for the company to give back, this is an initiative we're...

Are Electric Vehicles Sustainable?

The market for electric vehicles (EVs) is growing worldwide. Auto manufacturers are adapting to the growing demand for sustainable vehicles. Among others, Audi pledged to go all-electric by 2033, and GM will end production of its gas-powered...

Got Water? How Buildings Can Help with the Global Water Crisis

As it stands, the Earth’s freshwater sources are shrinking. The UN projects that if trends continue, the world will face a 40% shortfall in water availability by 2030. According to the World Wildlife Fund, about 1.1 billion people lack access to...

The Next Step in Carbon Reduction: Net Zero Waste

As of 2018, the United States produced the most waste in the world, weighing in at 5.6 pounds per capita daily, or over 1 ton annually.The scarier part of this story is that less than 25% of the waste is recycled.

Realistic Financing Options for Net Zero Initiatives

Whether the objective is to achieve Net Zero or simply to get started with energy improvements, how to fund the work is an important piece of the puzzle. For commercial, industrial, retail, healthcare, K-12, higher ed and multi-family residential...

The Cost of Avoiding Sustainability

Upon rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, the US committed to achieving 50% reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. The members of 2030 Districts across America have too. The buildings you build and renovate today will be measured by the...

How Furniture Supports Sustainability Goals

What furniture is right for this space? Frequently a perplexing question, deciding on furniture can be a time-consuming and challenging task. Size? Color? Cost? Comfort? All are important factors to consider during the decision-making process, but...

Sustainability in Higher Education: Student Perspective

As a student who is finishing up at a 4-year public university studying sustainability, I saw firsthand what was being done and what still needs to be done. As time goes on and we continue to fight the battle of climate change, more changes will...

What Is Sustainability Consulting?

This sums it up for the most part, but as expected, there are many initiatives that must be implemented to back up this crucial global objective. If you’ve ever wondered what sustainable development really means, or why it is so important to life on...