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The Emissions DNA of Building Materials: Embodied Carbon

When considering Scope 1 and 2 emissions, most people think of the impact of energy use for heating, lighting, and transportation. But for those who serve businesses focused on emissions reductions, it is not enough to focus on a building design...

What’s Your Carbon Standard?

It is widely accepted that to avoid total environmental collapse, human-generated greenhouse gas emissions need to reach Net Zero no later than 2050. Carbon accounting will play a crucial role in these decarbonization efforts across the corporate...

U.S. Military Marching Towards Net Zero

Environmental sustainability is a growing theme in boardrooms across the U.S. while consumers and investors demand that businesses do more to assess and improve their impact on the environment. This growth in environmentally conscious business is...

The Inflation Reduction Act Expands Tax Incentives For Sustainability

President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) into law in August of last year. While it is under the header of inflation, the act does much more than just target the rising inflation the U.S. has seen throughout 2022. In...

Sustainability Certifications Are Not JUST for Buildings

While most people in the sustainability space are familiar with sustainability certifications that apply to buildings such as LEED, NGBS, and Green Globes many don’t know about certifications for outdoor spaces and structures. SITES and...

Don't Be a Drip! Water Efficiency is Easy!

When it comes to the natural resources that a building uses, water is always at the top of the list. Some communities across America are particularly challenged either by a lack of resources or failing infrastructure. For example, Phoenix and its...

Sustainability and a 6-Pack

In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumn season brings a time to enjoy the crisp leaves, cooler weather, and holiday festivities - including Oktoberfest! While fall is still a lovely season for some, the climate is changing, and extreme weather events...

Fact Check: Does LEED Really Cost More?

Let us first state the obvious: Yes, it costs money to achieve LEED certification for a building - just like it costs money to achieve any other sustainable building certification. We often hear blanket statements such as it will cost just 10% more...

Sustainable Residential Buildings Attract Financial Incentives

Across the United States, government bodies have legislation that dictates requirements to achieve financial incentives such as tax abatement, loans and grants, and permit expedition. Sometimes the incentives are for residential or commercial...