• +1 (216) 452-0909
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  • Environments

    Sustainably Enhanced 1767

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  • LEED

    Platinum 9

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Posts about

sustainability consulting (10)

Schools Are the Building Blocks of Our Sustainable Future

What does the future hold for our kids (and their kids) in a world where the planet's health is at risk? Across all facets of life, sustainability is coming to the forefront of the public consciousness as we consider the danger climate change brings...

District Energy: An Innovative Solution for Commercial Heating and Cooling

In a building’s quest for reduced energy consumption and lower emissions profile, design teams are often tasked with evaluating system options for building owners. One such option is district energy. District energy systems utilize a central plant...

Old, Historic, and Now Sustainable

Historic buildings are beautiful and connect us with history. There is a lot of value in preserving old architecture so that it can be appreciated for generations to come. But how can these sites maintain relevance in the 21st century where...

Our Path to Net Zero Carbon

Emerald’s core value, Eye of the Tiger, often affords us the opportunity to challenge third-party verifiers about the factual basis or efficacy of rules and regulations. As advocates for our clients, if a sustainable rating system has not yet...

Electrification 101

According to the Department of Energy, 39% of U.S. fossil-fuel emissions come from residential and commercial buildings. Most of this energy is used for space heating and cooling, heating water, and cooking. Emissions can be avoided through...

It's Not Sustainable If It's Not For All

The availability of housing, and more specifically affordable housing, represents one of the most fundamental and significant challenges currently facing elected officials, community development organizations, and developers across the country. In...

Art in the Workplace

Research shows that people perform better when there is art in the workplace – or classroom. It makes people happier and healthier – and 32% more productive. That’s why there’s a link between the artwork and sustainable building certifications: At...

Celebrating America Sustainably

The 4th of July is a uniquely American holiday. Most Americans celebrate with get-togethers, cookouts, swimming, and other outdoor activities. At night, the skies light up with multicolored displays in red, white, and blue. It’s a beautiful way to...

Business As a Force For Good

Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Perhaps more than ever, business leaders see their organizations as agents for change positive change. According to a 2020 IDC report, "Over 90% of executives surveyed in 2020 consider...